Tons of people are constantly trying to lose weight; whether it's by watching what they eat, working-out more, trying new weight-loss programs, using apps that log what they eat, etc. Wouldn't it be amazing if there was an RFID chip implanted into our bodies that was able to measure the number of calories we consumed and burned each day??? This would eliminate the need to be super conscious of what we eat, and we would no longer need to log our food consumption in a daily journal. All we would need to do is look at an app on our cell phones that would give us our net caloric intake for the day; in order to lose weight, one has to reduce the number of net calories. This way people could monitor if they are 'allowed' to have that candy bar before bed or if they 'need' to go on a 2 mile walk that afternoon. This would be nearly 100% accurate, opposed to current apps that can only estimate the number of calories that are in a given piece of food.
I suppose in order for this to work, every piece of food would need to carry an RFID tag that held information on how many calories were in it. But wouldn't this mean we would be eating a ton of RFID tags? That can't be good! So perhaps there is a way for an RFID tag to measure the number of calories that pass through the bloodstream, and have an app on our cell phone that could be the receiver and decoder, displaying our daily counts. Hey, you never know!
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