According to Nielsen, a market research company, 45% of tablet owners watch TV and use their tablet together at least once a day, and 69% say they do it at least several times a week! Only 12% of tablet owners said they never use their tablet while watching TV.
Nielsen found that women are more likely to look up information related to an ad they see on TV, whereas men are more likely to look up general information related to a TV program they are watching. Men were also found to be far more likely to check sport scores on their tablets than women (44% vs 24%). Younger tablet users are more likely to use their tablet in front of the TV than older users; with the only activity older users tending to use their tablets for more is checking email.
Overall, checking email is the most popular activity for tablet owners while watching TV (61%), followed by visiting social networking sites (47%) and looking up information about TV programs.Checking sport scores isn't far behind at 34%.
Nielsen's report also found that females spend 61.2% of their tablet using/TV watching time during prime time while watching Dramas. (See below for more statistics).
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