Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 3 (#2): Frank & Oak Helps Twentysomething Men Dress Themselves

Speaking in generalities, men do not like shopping. Very seldom do I hear a guy say “I can’t wait to go to the mall this weekend and get some new clothes.” There are a million other things my boyfriend and guy friends would rather do with their time than shop. A new site called Frank & Oak wants to target these men and “take the headache out of clothes shopping for men between 20 and 35;” which builds on the assumption that men would rather get something shipped to them than have to go out shopping.
The site is a new product from men’s clothing company Modasuite that is aiming at a younger audience with clothing that is more affordable and the process simpler. How the site works is that subscribers go to the site and enter their clothing preferences. Then, once a month, the subscribers get an email newsletter with a list of items tailored to their interests. The newsletter goes out only monthly because CEO Ethan Song said men in their 20s and early 30s don’t want to buy clothes more often than that. Subscribers select up to 5 items, which are shipped to them free of charge. The ones they don’t like or that don’t fit, they send back and the subscriber only pays for the ones he keeps.
Song says the goal behind this site is to “create the most hassle-free experience I’ve ever had.” Manpacks has a similar business model where men can sign up for deliveres of underwear, socks, and other necessities. The Modasuite team designs the clothing and has direct relationships with the manufacturers which mean products can be of high-quality and relatively low-price. Frank & Oak shirts cost about $40 and accessories cost about $25. This is just another example of how technology (particularly the internet) is making life easier and more hassle-free for us…and maybe even putting joy into shopping for men!


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