Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 6 (#2): Apple is Worth More than Poland (and Belgium, and Sweden, and Saudi Arabia, and Taiwan...)!

We all know that Apple is an insanely successful company; but you might be shocked to know that it is the world's most valuable company, having a valuation that is now higher than the gross domestic product of Poland, Belgium, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, or Taiwan!

On Wednesday, Apple's stock market value topped the $500 billion mark; making it one of the five most-valuable companies at any point in history. Only Microsoft, ExxonMobil, Cisco, GE, and Intel have ever surpassed that mark. Apple is one of the fastest growing tech companies and had sales growth of 73% last year, and shares currently breaking the $500 mark! Surprisingly, though, is that Apple stock is much cheaper than some of the other, less-sucessful, tech companies like Netflix, Zynga, LinkedIn, and the soon-to-be public Facebook. 

Here are some other things that Apple is worth more than:
  • The construction of the Interstate Highway System across America
  • 1 billion iPads
  • All the money spent on electricity for an entire year in the U.S.
  • The entire National Football League...times 10!
  • All the gold at the New York Federal Reserve
  • All the illegal drugs in the world
  • The Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Stephen King, and Twilight franchise combined
  • All the farmland in Iowa and South Dakota
  • 10 times all the child support paid last year
  • Every single home in Atlanta, GA combined
  • The Great Wall of China


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