Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 8 (#2): Apple's $2.65 per Share Dividend!

It's no secret that Apple is an insanely prosperous company with oodles of cash on hand; nearly $100 billion in fact. Apple announced exciting news for current shareholders and potential shareholders alike: initiating a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share in Q4 2012, along with a $10 billion share repurchase program starting September 2012 and extending over the next 3 years. This payout will set Apple as one of the largest dividend payers of all companies. The last time Apple paid dividends was in 1995, at about $0.12 per share.

Apple's decision to initiate a dividend and repurchase stock is sure to make shareholders (and employees) elated, as well as appeal to new potential if the stock wasn't already attractive! It's nice to see that the company has investor interest in mind when deciding what to do with all of its money. With pleased shareholders, Apple's stock is likely to soar even higher!


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