Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 13 (#2): Can Google Help you get your Ex Back?

Many companies use emotional advertising to tug at the heart-strings of consumers as a method of building rapport and being relatable. That is exactly what Google is doing with its new TV commercial (see link below). In my opinion, this advertisement is perfect! In this ad, a guy Mark is trying hard to get his ex Jen to go out to coffee with him by using a collage of Google Docs spreadsheets, photos and videos to give Jen reasons why she should agree to meet up with him. Google has also released similar ads for Chrome, Google+ and its other products over the last year or so. Although these ads don't focus on technology so much, they focus on what technology can do for users and are very relatable. If I were Jen, I would say 'YES!' to Mark's offer!


Google Chrome Coffee

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